金三角群英会 高清

陆军上校吴家丽带领一群防暴女战士在金三角要抓捕一个叫叶枫的牛比大姐大(贩毒持枪杀人操纵无所不为的反派女英雄,这时候真在和SOMI带领的一群人做生意遭到出卖)的劲爆故事。 李赛凤开始莫名其妙跟一个鬼老...展开打架,后来又跑出来BULLET大岛有佳丽和她会合去应付叶枫他们去。 看看RUDEBOY的IMDB评论 'Mission of Justice' is an offering from the girls-with-guns genre that probably isn't as memorable as 'Yes, Madam', the 'In The Line Of Duty' saga, or the 'Angel' films(which were made prior to 'MOJ' and also star Moon Lee Choi-fung and Yukari Oshima), but it's still quite entertaining. The film combines espionage and commando-like action(Moon Lee and Yukari Oshima even wear brown camoflouge)in a story that takes place in the Golden Triangle in Southest Asia. Moon(Moon Lee) and Bullet(Yukari Oshima) are two agents who work for the supposedly ficticious Anti-Crime League led by Colonel Carry(Carrie Ng). There's a prolouge where Gary Daniels and Moon Lee are hunting eachother. Why it happens in the film is difficult to explain. Moon and Bullet are sent to spy on a woman named Yie Feng, who runs white slavery, counterfeiting, and drug smuggling rings. Yie Feng plans on selling large amounts of narcotics to a man named Somi and his henchman, Hans. Moon and Bullet recieve assistance from Mr. Ma( of Station 'B', in what I have to assume is Burma). When Mr. Ma is killed and Moon and Bullet's covers are blown, they join Colonel Carry and her troops in an attempt to bring Yie Feng, Somi, and Hans to justice. As with most girls-with-guns actioners, the plots are somewhat sub-standard in quality, the budgets are miniscule, the music scores(assuming it's not stock music) sound like something from a 3M advertisement from the 1970' or 1980's. Yet, where else are we going to see gorgeous women with solid acting skills and amazing athletic abilities kicking #@$? Usually, not in Hollywood. I, personally, enjoyed the film despite its shortcomings. This film probably isn't the best from the girls-with-guns genre, but it's worth a look.收起



积奇玛莉(普通话版) 8.0 高清 Jacky与Mary是九十年代女警的新写照,她们乐天而积极,感性和机智。面对现实的犯罪世界,她们对正义的信念绝不动摇,凡事尽力而为。她们无端被卷入一宗珠宝劫案中,而劫匪群中曹明,徐东寺却陆续被追杀灭口
积奇玛莉(普通话版) 动作 犯罪
金三角群英会 6.0 高清 陆军上校吴家丽带领一群防暴女战士在金三角要抓捕一个叫叶枫的牛比大姐大(贩毒持枪杀人控制无所不为的反派女英雄,这时候真在和SOMI带领的一群人做生意遭到出卖)的劲爆故事。 李赛凤开始莫名其妙跟一个鬼老
金三角群英会 动作
执法威龙(粤语版) 高清 菲律宾黑帮分子董岳于香港犯案,被警员细鬼,阿龙及其上司梁森缉捕,并由阿龙及政治部的大岛押回菲受审。不料途中让其手下救回,阿龙和大岛在当地警员范曾的协助下决定留下追捕董。在追捕逃犯的过程中,大岛和范的旧
执法威龙(粤语版) 动作
战神传说 8.0 高清 故事发生在江湖时代。孤儿阿飞(刘德华 饰)传说自小由鱼群抚养长大,因此身手不凡。不过阿飞却对功名不感兴趣,在渔村过着逍遥自在的生活。一次偶然机会,阿飞结识了前朝遗民燕十三(钟镇涛 饰),两日成立莫逆之
战神传说 动作 冒险 爱情
轰天皇家将 8.0 高清 曾健乃香港贩毒头子,因被小红,及Ida所率领的警队追捕而仓忙潜逃至泰国,留下情妇Carry在香港。数年后曾健以泰国华侨沙华的身份返港,而Carry已下嫁警司金志远,曾知悉后非常愤怒,故设赌局欺骗志远,
轰天皇家将 动作