"Miss, what's that?" the kid asked the stewardess, pointing to a small crack that he n...展开oticed in celing above him. At that point, the crack widens and the entire roof of the airplane is ripped off. Based on a true story. On April 28, 1988, Aloha Airlines flight 243, halfway between Big Island and Maui, suddenly lost an 18-foot section of its front fuselage, due to metal fatigue. At 24,000 feet of altitude, the sudden decompression leaves room for panic in the cabin. But in the flight deck, Captain Schornstheimer and First Officer Tompkins are faced with the difficult task of safely landing the crippled, barely-controllable airliner, as the title says.收起


霄惊魂 9.0 高清


危情十日 8.0 高清 畅销书作家保罗•谢尔顿(詹姆斯•凯恩 James Caan 饰)带着他的最新作品《米瑟莉》驱车走在回家的路上。途中他遭遇了可怕的暴风雪,轿车发生侧翻事故,保罗的双腿严重受伤,幸好被独居在附近山顶的护士
危情十日 剧情
人鬼情未了 高清 年轻的银行职员萨姆(帕特里克•斯威兹)与未婚妻美莉(黛咪•摩尔)相爱极深,在朋友卡尔(托尼•戈德温)的热情帮助下,他们搬进一幢漂亮的公寓,做着结婚前的准备。某晚看戏归来时,他们遭遇持枪歹徒,与歹徒搏斗
人鬼情未了 剧情 爱情 奇幻